Let’s call a spade a spade. The (unofficial) name above for this Bill which passed its 2nd reading in the Commons before Christmas is a euphemism. What is at stake is assisted suicide. Assisted dying is available already with palliative care. This Bill must not pass its 3rd reading. I feel many of us think this. The problem is that our MP in Thirsk and Malton, seduced by the polls, does not know many of us think this unless we tell him. Repeatedly. If we don’t and perhaps even if we do, he will vote for it. There are many things we can point out in communicating with him. Here’s one…………
Wherever assisted suicide and/or euthanasia has been legalised, the Netherlands, Belgian and Oregon for example, the number of cases has risen over time. The culture has been changed by the change in the law. Killing has been normalised.
Reported cases of euthanasia and assisted suicide have more than quadrupled - 1882 cases in 2002, 9068 cases in 2023.
Reported cases of euthanasia have more than doubled in 10 years. In 2013 there were 1807 cases. In 2023 there were 3423.
The number of assisted suicides in 2023 was 367, over five times more than the figure ten years earlier. (Source The Christian Institute. U.K.)
David Cragg-James 10 January 2025
A reminder of Pete Widlinski's talk about his work with refugees at the Buck Inn, Thornton Dale, at 7.30 on Monday Jan 23rd. The organisers are Ryedale Labour. Pete's work in the past with Justice First and other relevant organisations has given him first hand experience of the problems faced by asylum seekers and refugees. Come along if you can. Welcome from 7pm.
As promised, a date for the screening of The Oil Machine. We have decided on Thursday January 26th. at 7pm in St. Benedict's Hall. How can we break our addition to oil? Join us for a screening of the new film The Oil Machine The Oil Machine explores our economic, historical and emotional entanglement with fossil fuels by looking at the conflicting imperatives around North Sea oil & gas. This invisible machine at the core of our economy and society now faces an uncertain future as activists and investors demand change. Is this the end of oil? The film brings together a wide range of voices from oil company executives, economists, young activists, oil workers, pension fund managers, and considers how this machine can be tamed, dismantled or repurposed.
The Diocesan Justice and Peace have organised an event for Saturday 4th February 2023 at St. Bede’s Pastoral Centre, 21, Blossom Street, York. YO24 1AQ ‘Let us Dream: How can our parishes save our Common Home?’ Barbara Hungin writes: We are very much looking forward to welcoming John Paul de Quay to our February meeting who will explore this theme/introduce resources/help us to a vision of the future which we can share within our Diocese. John Paul is a member of the Ecological Conversion Group and joint author of ‘Journey to 2030’ a resource combining spirituality and practical steps which both builds on what is already in place and enthuses people and parishes to new ways of working. We will explore our unique place as human beings in this world and our right relationship to our common home. The meeting will begin around 10.30a.m. with tea/coffee available from 10.00a.m. We finish with a shared lunch around 12.30p.m. There is parking behind the Bar Convent and in the Nunnery Lane Car Park. [email protected] Everyone very welcome. Please try and come. Have a word with David, Anthony or Fr. Kentigern if you'd like to try and share transport.