St Benedict encourages his monks to give absolute priority to the care of the sick. We are blessed in the Parish to have a loyal and committed group of Ministers of Holy Communion who regularly visit the sick and the unwell at home. It would be really helpful if, when you or a relative find yourself with an illness that prevents you from joining us at Mass, you make early contact with Father Kentigern so that he can arrange to visit . He will then arrange for regular visits from Ministers of Communion, supplemented by his own visits, and we would include those individuals on our list of sick so that they are prayed for each weekend at our Parish Masses. Father Kentigern will arrange for the Sacrament of the Sick to be available on a regular basis during the illness.
If the sickness or illness requires a hospital stay, again please make early first contact with Father Kentigern. There is a strong Chaplaincy team in each of our regional hospitals, with two of our own Parishioners, Patricia Leonard and Christopher Wilding being actively involved on a weekly basis in York District Hospital. It is important that you, or a relative on your behalf, makes it plain to the hospital staff on the ward that you are Roman Catholic and that your would like to be visited by one of the Chaplaincy Team. It is a great help if you are able to keep us informed of movements between various wards during the hospital stay, and indeed to let us know when you are discharged so that we can take up responsibility again for your spiritual well-being at home.
The Hospital Chaplaincy have an emergency facility so do not hesitate to contact them on one of the following 24 hour numbers: 01904 725579 or 01904 631313.