Please note that on the night of 26 October the clocks GO BACK one hour.
The Sick: The Diocese, on advice and under Data Protection Regulations (May 2018), asks us not to name individuals, but to pray for them as a group within the Parish Body as those in particular need.
Recently Deceased: Anne Olga Kelly, Norah Casey
Anniversaries: Gwen Scully, John Christopher Davies, Eva McGuinness, Anne Ventress
HOME COMMUNIONS If you require Holy Communion at home, please contact John Ridge: [email protected], Fr Kentigern or Fr Bernard either by e-mail or leave a telephone message by 8.00pm on Friday evening stating whether you require a weekly visit or a one-off call. Someone will then be in contact to arrange a suitable day and time to visit.
EASY FUNDRAISER Do you regularly shop online? Did you know you could support your church at the same time? For more information speak to Tracey in the Parish Office and see information leaflets in the Hall.
WORLD COMMUNITY OF CHRISTIAN MEDITATION Gathers each Monday in St Benedict’s Hall at 2pm, and on Thursdays via Zoom at 8pm.
CHRISTIAN MEN OF THE VALLEY Meet each Monday at 8.00pm to share faith, friendship and interests.
Sunday 27 October – 2.30pm Service of Rosary and Hymns
Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 November: Parish Visitation by Abbot Robert. He will celebrate the weekend Masses and meet with parishioners.
Sunday 3 November – 5.00pm All Souls Service.
Sunday 10 November – Remembrance Sunday. Mass will be at 9.00am followed by the Act of Remembrance at St Hilda’s.
Monday 11 November – School Act of Remembrance 10.30am at St Hilda’s.
Friday 13 December – Community Carol Service 5.00pm at Ampleforth Abbey
CAFOD Donate to CAFOD’s Israeli-Palestinian Crisis Appeal at or call 0303 303 3030. or to the Sudan Crisis Appeal: or call: 0808 58 588 85. Please remember to return your Fast Day Envelopes. Thank you from CAFOD Thank you for giving to CAFOD’s Family Fast Day appeal this Harvest season. Your donation in our parish collection or online and your prayers are helping young people like Daniel in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with support like training, so they can carve their way to a better future. We are standing in solidarity with those facing incredible hardships, as part of one global family. Learn more at
FABRIC PROJECTS On Monday 21 October work will take place to replace the windows in the toilets and the Fire Door. On Monday 28 October work will commence to resurface the northern driveway and path to the church. FOR THAT WEEK THERE WILL BE NO ACCESS FROM THE NORTH, NO THROUGH ROUTE TO AND FROM ST HILDA’S WALK AND NO ACCESS TO THE PARISH HALL. Work should be completed by Saturday 2 November. Thank you for your patience. There is opportunity to assist in covering the cost of these projects. Thank you for your amazing generosity.
LITURGICAL BOOKS At the beginning of Advent we have to begin using a new translation of the Readings for Mass and other Services. This means the purchase of new books. Interested parishioners are invited to assist with the cost of these and to sponsor books or have a share in sponsorship. Notices with further details can be found on the church noticeboard and in the Parish Hall. Thank you for your amazing generosity. MISSIO RED BOXES Please could all Red Box Holders leave them at the back of the church to be collected, emptied, and returned. Thank you.
CLEVELAND NEWMAN CIRCLE Fr Tony Currer will talk on "The New Translation for the readings at Mass" The new lectionary, which covers scripture readings for mass and the sacraments, will come into use in Catholic parishes in England and Wales from the first Sunday of Advent. Fr Currer's talk will be given in St Mary's Cathedral Hall at 7.45pm, preceded with tea or coffee from 7.30. A contribution of £3 to defray our costs is requested. Everyone is welcome so please bring your friends.
St Benedict’s Hall Thursday 24 October from 10.15am or Friday 25 October from 7.00pm ALL WELCOME
MAP The next delivery of Donations to MAP in Middlesbrough will be on Wednesday October 23rd. Feel free to leave donations in The Old Summer House by Tuesday October 22nd. Household / Kitchen items and Warm Winter clothes for young adults and children most welcome. Thank you for your generosity. Mary S. 0143978856.
MFB THANK YOU to all who contributed so generously to the HARVEST APPEAL. Need remains great. [The MFB is currently having to buy in food at a cost of £3,000 per week.] Watch out for details of the next delivery date. Donations should be left at the back of Our Lady and St Benedict’s Church as always. THANK YOU ALL! PS. MFB GIFT AID forms are now available at the back of church for individual donations of cash and cheques.
3.00pm Sunday 27 October. An opportunity to ask the intercession of Our Lady for our Journey of Renewal from Maintenance to Mission.
A Service of Remembrance for All Souls
The Parish of Our Lady & St Benedict and the Benefice of Ampleforth, Oswaldkirk, Gilling East & Stonegrave warmly invite you to a Service of Remembrance for All Souls at 5.00pm, on Sunday 3 November 2024 in the church of Our Lady & St Benedict, Ampleforth.
At this simple service of readings, hymns and prayers our departed loved ones will be remembered by name and a symbolic candle of remembrance lit.
If you would like someone’s name remembered, please contact Fr Kentigern [email protected]
Mass for Healing with Father Dominique Minskip and Canon Michael Loughlin Tuesday 12th November at 11.45am In the Chapel at the Bar Convent, 17 Blossom Street, York Everyone is welcome For assistance, please contact Fiona Hill at St Bede’s Pastoral Centre 01904 464900 [email protected]
AID TO THE CHURCH IN NEED #RedWednesday – 20th November 2024 Your support over the years means that #RedWednesday is now a significant voice for persecuted Christians around the world. Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is extremely grateful for your support. This year’s focus is on Christian children who are displaced and suffering due to targeted violence. In coming weeks, you will receive information about how your parish can get involved – so please watch for ACN’s PARISH Red Alert envelope! As a Thank You, ACN would like to offer you a 25% discount on non-sale trading products. To request the discount code for ACN’s website shop, email [email protected] OR phone 0345 241 6068. Invoicing is available for phone orders over £50. All parish orders must be to the parish address.
SERVICES OF REMEMBRANCE Sunday 10 November: 10.45am at St Hilda’s Monday 11 November: 10.30am at St Hilda’s (led by the children of our School)