The Sick: The Diocese, on advice and under Data Protection Regulations (May 2018), asks us not to name individuals, but to pray for them as a group within the Parish Body as those in particular need.
Anniversaries: Andrew Cornforth, Esther Mary Ward, Mary Searson, Arthur French, Peter Walker
Lately Deceased: Angela Pell, Tony Fawcett
HOME COMMUNIONS If you require Holy Communion at home, please contact Christopher Wilding, Fr Kentigern or Fr Bernard either by e-mail or leave a telephone message by 8.00pm on Friday evening stating whether you require a weekly visit or a one-off call. Someone will then be in contact to arrange a suitable day and time to visit.
Leadership team Thank you for the very productive Forum meeting on 26 March. If you would like to join the Hall Development Group, please speak to one of the Leadership team. The War Graves signage has arrived and just needs to be erected.
LITURGY & WORSHIP - (Coordinators Clare Lally & David Cragg-James) Thank you to everyone who participated in the meeting to plan our liturgy for the Sacred Triduum. Please see the notices to find out where you can still help.
Discipleship & Formation – (Coordinators Dominic Carter & _____)
CHRISTIAN MEN OF THE VALLEY Meet each Monday at 8.00pm to share faith, friendship and interests.
WORLD COMMUNITY OF CHRISTIAN MEDITATION Gathers each Monday in St Benedict’s Hall at 2pm and on Thursdays via Zoom at 8pm.
FELLOWSHIP & SOCIAL – (Coordinators Jennie & Greg Black) The Second Weekend of Easter (15/16 April) will be a Name Badge Weekend. Sunday 16th there will be a Bring and Share Lunch after Mass. It will include a Treasure Tub for children. Please place a tick next to the food/drink you can bring, or write your own suggestion, on the list at the back of church.
DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY On Sunday 16 April, after the Bring and Share Lunch we will hold devotions to the Divine Mercy, including Exposition & Benediction, Confessions & praying the Chaplet. ALL WELCOME
FRIENDS OF THE HOLY LAND The 'Jesus and Me in the Holy Land’ presentation on 30th March raised a total of £321.50 on the night (including Gift Aid) for the work of Friends of the Holy Land. My thanks to the donors for their generosity. If you were unable to attend the presentation but would like to contribute to the charity you can do so online at and click on the 'Support Our Work' tab. Christopher.
LENT SOUP LUNCHES 'A heartfelt thank you to all who helped serve, set up, prepare soup and tidy away for the Lenten soup lunches which took place every Friday over Lent. An even bigger thank you to those who attended. There was a very convivial atmosphere and the total amount raised for various charitable causes came to £271.90.
EVANGELISATION, OUTREACH & MISSION – (Coordinators Robert Toone & ______)
HELP & SUPPORT UKRAINE The latest meeting reflected on the current support we offer, reported that the long awaited Concert will soon take place (details to follow) and looked forward to the stories to be told by Richard and Jo Hudson. Next meeting: Wednesday 3 May 2023, 7.00pm. ALL WELCOME.
MIDDLESBROUGH FOOD BANK THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR FANTASTIC DONATIONS to the EASTER APPEAL! NEXT DELIVERY: Tuesday MAY 2nd DEADLINE for donations: TUES. MAY 2nd at 9.30am NB Please note the change of deadline because of the Bank Holiday. Thank you so much for your continued generosity: with your help we have now been supporting the MFB for 10 years!
LENDWITHCARE Great news – you have received 17 repayments to your account. This means your chosen recipients are doing well enough to pay back more instalments of the loan they received from you. Your account total is now £659.20. Please see the display in the Hall if you’d like to suggest new recipients.
ABCD BETHLEHEM The marathon raised a massive £26,000 plus tax refunds – amazing support. I got onto Palestine TV. METHODIST ASYLUM PROJECT, MIDDLESBROUGH Thank you for the recent donations to Methodist Asylum Project in Middlesbrough. The next Summer collection is from April 12th and ends on Tuesday 25th. Delivery on April 26th. Once again there’s a request for kitchen equipment, bedding and duvets. Lighter weight clothes for younger men and children. The Old Summer House will be closed during May so this is the last chance to donate until the end of June. For more information contact Mary Sturges 788563.’