The Sick: The Diocese, on advice and under Data Protection Regulations (May 2018), asks us not to name individuals, but to pray for them as a group within the Parish Body as those in particular need.
Recently Deceased: Fr Adrian Convery OSB, Alan Firth, Fr Jonathan Cotton OSB
Anniversaries: Sr Cecilia Beanland OSB, Fr Anthony Hain OSB, Elaine Joy, Ann Jubb
HOME COMMUNIONS If you require Holy Communion at home, please contact Christopher Wilding, Fr Kentigern or Fr Bernard either by e-mail or leave a telephone message by 8.00pm on Friday evening stating whether you require a weekly visit or a one-off call. Someone will then be in contact to arrange a suitable day and time to visit.
Saturday 10 February: Unity Songs of Praise – Oswaldkirk 6.00pm Tuesday 13 February: SVP Pancake Lunch Wednesday 14 February: Ash Wednesday Mass at 9.30am or 7.30pm Fridays in Lent: 11.30am Mass followed by Soup Lunch Wednesday 28 February: Divine Renovation Webinar – 7.00pm Parish Hall
LITURGY & WORSHIP – (Coordinators Clare Lally & David Cragg-James)
Discipleship & Formation – (Coordinators Dominic Carter & _____)
WORLD COMMUNITY OF CHRISTIAN MEDITATION Gathers each Monday in St Benedict’s Hall at 2pm, and on Thursdays via Zoom at 8pm.
CHRISTIAN MEN OF THE VALLEY Meet each Monday at 8.00pm to share faith, friendship and interests.
SYCAMORE Session 12: Creation, Fall Salvation – Thursday 15 February 10.15, Saturday 17 February 3.00pm. Session 11: The Meaning of Love - Friday 16 February 7.00pm, ALL WELCOME to explore your faith.
SYNOD DISCUSSION DAY All Disciples, All Missionaries - Towards A Listening and Accompanying Church, 9.30am to 3.00pm, Saturday 9th March 2024, English Martyrs Parish Hall, Dalton Terrace, York. The day will be led for us by Fr Chris Hughes from the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle. I am inviting all priest and deacons together with three or four parishioners to attend the day and that you let Deacon David Cross know how many will be coming from your parish by 26th February. The day will follow the "Spiritual Conversation" format which has been used to great effect.
FELLOWSHIP & SOCIAL – (Coordinators Jennie & Greg Black) SATURDAY SOCIAL Refreshments in St Benedict’s Hall after Mass on Saturday 17th February. Come along and meet your fellow parishioners!
LENTEN LUNCHES Every Friday at 12 pm in St Benedict’s Hall after Mass at 11.30 am. A simple meal of soup and bread with donations going to four different charities. If you can help one week with making a soup or setting up/serving/clearing please sign up at the back of church. Info from Jennie on [email protected].
EVANGELISATION, OUTREACH & MISSION – (Coordinators Robert Toone & ______)
WINTER WARM SPACES Ampleforth Warm Winter Spaces continue: 12.00 – 3.00pm in Ampleforth Village Hall. Everyone is welcome to enjoy a simple meal, try your hand at knitting, join in a board game or just chat with friends over tea and cake. No pre- booking required, free entry. Transport can be provided. For more information contact Mary on 07732 786643.
CAFOD Donate to CAFOD’s Israeli-Palestinian Crisis Appeal at or call 0303 303 3030.
CAFOD LENT FAST DAY This takes place on Friday 23 February. Look out for more details. Envelopes will be available throughout Lent.
MIDDLESBROUGH FOOD BANK Thank you so much again for your continued generosity, in goods, cash and cheques, which made our trip this week worthwhile. Every donation is appreciated and makes a difference, as the need continues to be great! Now as Lent approaches we prepare for the EASTER APPEAL! NEXT DELIVERY -TUES. 12th MARCH but deadline for donations will be 12 noon on MON. 11th (THESE ARE THE DATES FOR THE AMPLEFORTH HUB) PLEASE LET’S DO ALL WE CAN TO HELP! EASTER EGGS AND TREATS WILL BE VERY WELCOME! We will be again uniting our efforts with those of Peter and Sue Allen for their Easter Appeal, from the villages of Cawton, Stonegrave and Gilling. (Peter and Sue will be making their delivery a week later.) An important contribution of £443.92 was made recently direct to the MFB by Victoria Anglim, on behalf of the girls’ group 'Design for Good' at Ampleforth College by selling homemade Christmas decorations and soaps! Well done, girls!
SPECIAL EVENT On Friday 1 March the Ampleforth Society and Ampleforth College is hosting an event run by the Catholic Union of Great Britain. Lord Deben (John Gummer) will be giving a lecture on “The Gospel Imperative for Climate Action.” The lecture runs from 7.00 – 8.00pm and will be followed by a drinks reception. See the posters for more details and contact the Ampleforth Society Website for tickets.
METHODIST ASYLUM PROJECT Thank you for the donations to MAP. The Suitcases were appreciated as often new beneficiaries are in transit. There can be a mismatch in an individual’s situation so people who may have been given ‘permission to stay’ do not have anywhere to sleep. Clothes to fit slim younger men are always needed. As ever, the need for items which help to make ‘a home’ are welcome. Bedding, Blankets, Sheets, Duvets. The dignity of the person receiving these gifts is enhanced if they are not ‘throw away’ items. Saucepans, Kitchen tools, cutlery, matching plates and dishes on a regular basis. Thank you for your sensitive and thoughtful giving. It is appreciated. Tuesday Feb 20th is the final collection date in the Old Summer House. Contact Mary Sturges 01439788563.