The Sick: The Diocese, on advice and under Data Protection Regulations (May 2018), asks us not to name individuals, but to pray for them as a group within the Parish Body as those in particular need.
HOME COMMUNIONS If you require Holy Communion at home, please contact Christopher Wilding, Fr Kentigern or Fr Bernard either by e-mail or leave a telephone message by 8.00pm on Friday evening stating whether you require a weekly visit or a one-off call. Someone will then be in contact to arrange a suitable day and time to visit.
FORTHCOMING EVENTS Sunday 19 November: Parish Forum – Finance Report & Leadership Team Report 11.30am Thursday 7 December: Webinar – Thriving or Closing Down – St Benedict’s Hall 7.00pm Friday 8 December: Disco Party for our Schoolchildren 5.30pm Friday 15 December: Ampleforth Abbey Carol Service 2.00pm
LITURGY & WORSHIP - (Coordinators Clare Lally & David Cragg-James)
CHURCH CLEANING WORKING PARTY Those free and available are invited to join a working party to deep clean the church in readiness for Christmas. Work starts at 2.00pm on Saturday 2 December. Discipleship & Formation – (Coordinators Dominic Carter & _____)
SYCAMORE Fifth Sessions “The Holy Spirit and the Church” with Fr Kentigern in St Benedict’s Hall: Thursday 23 November 10.15am or Friday 24 November 7.00pm or Saturday 25 November 3.00pm
WORLD COMMUNITY OF CHRISTIAN MEDITATION Gathers each Monday in St Benedict’s Hall at 2pm, and on Thursdays via Zoom at 8pm.
CHRISTIAN MEN OF THE VALLEY Meet each Monday at 8.00pm to share faith, friendship and interests.
FELLOWSHIP & SOCIAL – (Coordinators Jennie & Greg Black)
EVANGELISATION, OUTREACH & MISSION – (Coordinators Robert Toone & ______)
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE POOR To mark the World Day of the Poor, our own Caritas Diocese of Middlesbrough has produced an Advent Calendar. The idea is that for each day of Advent, as you “open” a window, you put something into your own personal food basket to be able to give to a food bank. You can do this as individuals, as a family or as a group of friends. Foodbanks are always short of food in the Christmas period, so you can either donate your Advent gift early by taking your gift to a foodbank before Christmas, or donate it after Christmas, when stocks are particularly low. You can make your donation in person to the food bank of your choice, or wait until after Christmas and bring it to church and we will send it off to one of the two foodbanks we support as a parish. Hard copies of the Advent calendar are in the porch, or you should be able to download a copy using the QR code on the weekly bulletin. Or go to the diocesan website:
WINTER WARM SPACES Ampleforth Warm Winter Spaces will start again on November 22nd 12.00 – 3.00pm in Ampleforth Village Hall. Everyone is welcome to enjoy a simple meal, try your hand at knitting, join in a board game or just chat with friends over tea and cake. No pre- booking required, free entry. Transport can be provided. For more information contact Mary on 07732 786643.
CAFOD Donate to CAFOD’s Israeli-Palestinian Crisis Appeal at or call 0303 303 3030 to support those affected and get funds to local trusted experts in Gaza and southern Israel who have been working alongside communities helping those most in need. Your donation will help support aid workers providing urgent humanitarian aid including food, water and emergency shelter to those in need. Thank you for your prayers.
METHODIST ASYLUM PROJECT – MIDDLESBROUGH Thank you to all who gave items which were delivered to MAP in October by Paul George and myself. Paul had collected donations from The Bar Convent in York as well as those given to him by his sister. She organises a monthly Jumble Sale for Charities and Paul searches for items on the MAP ‘wanted’ list. We consulted the staff at MAP and it was suggested that comforting ‘soft toys’ would be a good idea. This enabled 3 young girls to accept delightful fluffy rabbits I suggest as well as usual warm clothes, trainers, kitchen equipment virtually new toys be given for delivery on Nov 29th. Items of toiletries and jewellery can be accepted as potential Gifts for Christmas. Thank you for your generosity... Please leave Items in OSH by Nov 28th.