The Sick: The Diocese, on advice and under Data Protection Regulations (May 2018), asks us not to name individuals, but to pray for them as a group within the Parish Body as those in particular need. Anniversaries: Eva McGuiness, Anne Ventress.
Lately Deceased: Fr Cassian Dickie OSB, John Edward Riddell.
FORTHCOMING EVENTS Friday 4 November – Commemoration of the Deceased Service, 7.00pm Sunday 13 November – Remembrance Sunday – MASS 9.30am, Remembrance Service 10.45 Saturday 19 November – Chilli Night 7.30pm – Cowboy Theme
PARENTING CHILDREN COURSE Anyone interested in joining this five week course exploring key themes in the life of parents of children aged up to 10, please contact Amanda Toone.
HOME COMMUNIONS If you require Holy Communion at home, please contact Christopher Wilding, Fr Kentigern or Fr Bernard either by e-mail or leave a telephone message by 8.00pm on Friday evening stating whether you require a weekly visit or a one-off call. Someone will then be in contact to arrange a suitable day and time to visit.
CHRISTIAN MEN OF THE VALLEY Meet each Monday at 8.00pm to share faith, friendship and interests.
WORLD COMMUNITY OF CHRISTIAN MEDITATION Gathers each Monday in St Benedict’s Hall at 2pm and on Tuesdays via Zoom at 8pm.
ALL SOULS SERVICE All are warmly invited to a Service of Remembrance for All Souls at 7.00pm, on Friday 4 November 2022 At this simple service of readings, hymns and prayers our departed loved ones will be remembered by name and a symbolic candle of remembrance lit. If you would like someone’s name remembered, please contact Fr Kentigern.
CHILLI NIGHT Fr Kentigern invites all to a Chilli Night Supper after Mass on Saturday 19 November. If you would like to assist or contribute, please speak to Fr Kentigern. Cowboy Costume optional!
HELP & SUPPORT UKRAINE Next meeting: Wednesday 16 November 7.00pm. ALL WELCOME. Richard Hudson has kindly agreed to speak about his latest visit to Romania.
MISSIO RED BOXES Sunday 23 October is World Mission Sunday. If you have a Missio Red Box could you please leave it at the back of the church for collection. Empty boxes will be left in the porch. If you would be interested in having a red box in order to support the Missions, please contact Sophie Tyrrell: [email protected] or 01439 787032. For other ways to contribute, please see the information poster.
MIDDLESBROUGH FOOD BANK Thank you for your generosity with the Harvest Appeal. We await details of the next delivery date.
WORLD YOUTH DAY If you are aged between 18 – 35 and interested in joining the Diocesan Group at World Youth Day in Lisbon 31st July - 7th August 2023, please contact Fr Philip Cunnah: [email protected]
UKRAINE CONCERT Friday 18 November, 7pm: To support the rebuilding of Ukraine please join us for the uplifting voices of the Ampleforth Schola Cantorum & Ampleforth Orthodox Choir singing part of the glorious Orthodox Liturgy in the Abbey church. £30 tickets now on sale: All proceeds to CAFOD (Registered Charity 1160384) to support their work responding to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.
METHODIST ASYLUM PROJECT – MIDDLESBROUGH Next ‘MAP’ delivery will be on Wednesday October 26th. Donations accepted up to Monday 24th. Cottage door open receive them. As ever all items of bedding, including sleeping bags. KItchen/cooking contributions including the largest saucepans, frying pans and woks. Winter clothes and shoes for men, women and children. Toys for younger children. Blankets and extra covers for colder nights. Donations of toiletries always welcome. Your generosity is much appreciated. Anyone who wants to discover what an amazing organisation MAP is and can spare a few hours to journey to Middlesbrough is most welcome to come. Thank you, Mary Sturges 788563. LIFE ISSUES 27 October marks the 55th Anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act of 1967. Various events are being organized to mark our sorrow at this. Please see posters and flyers giving information about how we can participate.